Goodbye Autumn

It’s Friday… finally. The end of another working week… for some and for others like me it’s the end of the school week which means… for me that my kids will with absolute certainty steal the computer out from under me to play whatever PC orientated game they can find while I concoct devious ways of luring them away from the PC so I can write.

Oh, the life of a mum of four. It’s hell I tell you. Send wine and chocolate. Actually scrap the wine and send Chardonnay, cause I hate wine and beer. Actually most alcohol. Unless it’s Baileys or Writer’s Tears. Yes! Look it up that stuff exists. Cost a small fortune. But it was worth it.

Because… Writer’s Tears… enough said.

I digress.

Winter is coming and truth be told I love Winter. I get to pile on the blankets without apologising. I’m always cold.

And with Winter comes birthdays along with anniversaries of things that I’d sooner forget because no matter how hard I try I’m almost always a wreck by July 24th.

Life is fleeting and I’m trying to not let it pass me by. I’m trying to get my words out into the world.

It’s really all I’ve got tonight.

Oh, and this rose from my garden.

Isn’t it pretty? I’ve been promising myself a red rose for years, partly because I loved the rose garden in my parents backyard and partially because I just love red roses.

Confessions From an Indie Author Trying to Make it as a Blogger

44148_20150318_232444_FIGHTAlright, I confess. I tried something new today with my blog. I posted two blogs when I normally only post one.

Surprisingly, it got results. Bigger and better than I ever would have hoped for. So, THANK YOU!

The blog itself was inspired in part by all the poetry blogs I have subscribed to, and… the fact (which I didn’t know until today) that’s it’s National Poetry Month! Finally, it was written because I didn’t want to just write another post about the Arthurian Myths (which I adore) lest I bore you all to death. So, I shared Tennyson’s rather epic poem instead.

The second was my obligatory weekly recap for the 365 Writing Challenge post. Long overdue, as I try to write them weekly, but last week was met with a flurry of blogging updates, and little room or time to actually write that second post last Monday.

I can’t promise to write every day. That’s just… impossible for me between trying to split myself between family and writing. I’m not quite organized enough to successfully schedule my time the way I know I should. I try but I inevitably wind up dropping balls or something unexpected happens that wipes out everything I had planned for that day, and attempting to catch up the next day never works the way you think it will.

But, I do promise I’ll try. Assuming you’re all willing to stick with me as I navigate the blogosphere.

So, on that final note, I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU again to all of you who’ve stopped by recently and liked or followed my blog, I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and I hope you’ll keep coming by so that you can stay up to date with my writing progress. Whatever the achievement.

Until next time,


Lost, a Collection of Short Stories

I told you good things were on the horizon, didn’t I?

Lost, is a collection of my own short stories. Within the pages you’ll find every story I’ve ever had published in the last eight years, plus a few new ones.

Title: Lost
Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Release date: 28 February 2019
Cover designer: Nicky Montgomery
Blurb: Where will you go once you are lost?

Who will you seek?

What will you find, awaiting you in the shadows?

Enter… if you dare, into worlds where faeries, werewolves, vampires, gods, angels and demons collide.

When I’m Not Writing

It’s been quite an eventful few days around here and when I’m not writing, I dabble in a few other hobbies. On the odd occasion, I run around in period appropriate costumes and LARP. This past weekend saw me corralling eight children, four of them my own into a makeshift 1890s classroom and attempting to have them learn something.

Suffice to say it mostly backfired and what they really did was get handed a balloon and make they’re own fun, running around in a room that was actually fitted out as a church, while trying to keep their balloons from hitting the floor.

And when they weren’t playing with balloons they were making posters or running off with bandits. Yep, actual bandits! Did I mention it was a western LARP. My accent was non existent, and my teaching skills are a little rusty.

Besides LARP I do occasional get the odd moment spare to put my graphic art skills to use and work on a few book covers. I’m immensely proud of my latest two…

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They turned out surprisingly well and I’m happy to say both are still available for purchase. I’d love to see them both sold in the not too distant future.