Confessions From an Indie Author Trying to Make it as a Blogger

44148_20150318_232444_FIGHTAlright, I confess. I tried something new today with my blog. I posted two blogs when I normally only post one.

Surprisingly, it got results. Bigger and better than I ever would have hoped for. So, THANK YOU!

The blog itself was inspired in part by all the poetry blogs I have subscribed to, and… the fact (which I didn’t know until today) that’s it’s National Poetry Month! Finally, it was written because I didn’t want to just write another post about the Arthurian Myths (which I adore) lest I bore you all to death. So, I shared Tennyson’s rather epic poem instead.

The second was my obligatory weekly recap for the 365 Writing Challenge post. Long overdue, as I try to write them weekly, but last week was met with a flurry of blogging updates, and little room or time to actually write that second post last Monday.

I can’t promise to write every day. That’s just… impossible for me between trying to split myself between family and writing. I’m not quite organized enough to successfully schedule my time the way I know I should. I try but I inevitably wind up dropping balls or something unexpected happens that wipes out everything I had planned for that day, and attempting to catch up the next day never works the way you think it will.

But, I do promise I’ll try. Assuming you’re all willing to stick with me as I navigate the blogosphere.

So, on that final note, I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU again to all of you who’ve stopped by recently and liked or followed my blog, I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and I hope you’ll keep coming by so that you can stay up to date with my writing progress. Whatever the achievement.

Until next time,
