5 Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Novel

Have you ever found yourself stumbling over where to start on a new novel? I have.

So, below I’ve come up with five questions to ask yourself before you get started writing.

They are:

1. Who is the main character or the heart of the story?

2. Who is the antagonist?

3. What threatens your main character?

4. What is the catalyst that sets the story in motion?

5. Where does the story end?

If you’ve answered all five of these you should have at least some idea as to the direction your story is headed.

I hope you found this blog post helpful in some way. If you did, drop me a like or a comment below.

2 thoughts on “5 Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Novel

  1. As a pantser, I have to admit that I don’t really think things out other than the final scene before starting. That’s resulted in manuscript full of plot holes and inconsistent characters though. Have begun outlining more as a result. This is a good list, thanks for sharing!

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